Roy teen sentenced for getting nude pics of boys

A teen boy is now facing a potential of 15 years in prison, after pleading guilty to using a fake Facebook account to obtain nude pictures of other boys at his high school. James Wood, 19, agreed to a plea deal with prosecutors last month where he would plead guilty to three counts of felony sexual exploitation of a minor, in exchange for an additional 18 felony charges against him to be dropped. Wood has apologized for his actions and admitted his guilt.

The charges against Wood stem from his time as a student at Roy High School where he created a fictitious Facebook profile under the alias of "Jessica Ford" and began chatting with several other teenage boys in his class. Eventually he was able to convince them to send him nude pictures of themselves, and would then threaten to show those pictures to other boys in their class if they didn't send him more. It came to police attention after several boys went to police and admitted they'd sent the pictures thinking they had been conversing with a woman.

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