Rod Arquette Show Daily Rundown - Monday, March 18, 2024

Coming up at 4 pm today on the Rod Arquette Show on Talk Radio 105.9 KNRS, Gerrick Wilkins, author of a new book titled “Unshackling Democracy: Embracing Term Limits, Empowering Citizens” joins Rod to discuss why he says now is the time to limit how long members of Congress can serve.  Plus, Thaddeus McCotter, a contributor to American Greatness, joins Rod for a conversation about his piece pondering whether Donald Trump is running a campaign or a revenge tour in 2024.  See below for a full rundown of today’s program.

Rod Arquette Show Daily Rundown – Monday, March 18, 2024

4:20 pm: Cheryl Chumley, Online Opinion Editor at the Washington Times, joins the show for a conversation about her piece in which she writes that Israel must eradicate terrorists despite what Democrats might say.

4:38 pm: Gerrick Wilkins, author of a new book titled “Unshackling Democracy: Embracing Term Limits, Empowering Citizens” joins Rod to discuss why he says now is the time to limit how long members of Congress can serve.

6:05 pm: Author and retired U.S. diplomat Stephan Helgesen joins the show for a conversation about his piece for American Thinker about the moment you started to like Donald Trump.

6:20 pm: Thaddeus McCotter, a contributor to American Greatness, joins Rod for a conversation about his piece pondering whether Donald Trump is running a campaign or a revenge tour in 2024.

6:38 pm: Merrilee Boyack of Latter-Day Saints for Life joins the show to discuss the formation of the Mormon anti-abortion group.

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