Rod Arquette Show Daily Rundown - Thursday, August 18, 2022

Coming up at 4 pm today on the Rod Arquette Show on Talk Radio 105.9 KNRS, Salt Lake County District Attorney Sim Gill joins the show for a conversation about the expansion of a diversion pilot program that offers low level offenders a chance to avoid prosecution.  Plus, Washington Post contributor Gary Abernathy on his recent piece on how critics of the GOP, like Wyoming Representative Liz Cheney, should accept the party as it is in order to help the country heal.  See below for a full rundown of today’s program.

Rod Arquette Show Daily Rundown – Thursday, August 18, 2022

4:20 pm: Steve Moore, Chief Economist at the Heritage Foundation, joins the show for his weekly visit with Rod about politics and the nation’s economy

4:38 pm: Salt Lake County District Attorney Sim Gill joins the show for a conversation about the expansion of a diversion pilot program that offers low level offenders a chance to avoid prosecution

6:05 pm: Washington Post contributor Gary Abernathy on his recent piece on how critics of the GOP, like Wyoming Representative Liz Cheney, should accept the party as it is in order to help the country heal

6:20 pm: Diana Furchtgott-Roth, an Economics Professor at George Washington University and nationally known transportation and technology policy expert joins the program for a conversation about her recent piece for the City Journal about how recent research shows that electric vehicles may not be as green as advertised

6:38 pm: Robin Hatch, Prevention Coordinator at the Northeastern Counseling Center joins Rod to discuss her work as part of the Live On suicide prevention campaign

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