Rod Arquette Show Daily Rundown - Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Coming up at 4 pm today on the Rod Arquette Show on Talk Radio 105.9 KNRS, Rhett Larsen, Student and School Safety Specialist at the Utah State Board of Education joins the program to discuss where we stand when it comes to school safety in Utah, and what more can be done to protect our children.  Plus, at 6 pm, a special presentation of a Utah GOP Second Congressional District primary debate between Congressman Chris Stewart, the incumbent, and his challenger Erin Rider. See below for a full rundown of today’s program.

Rod Arquette Show Daily Rundown – Tuesday, May 31, 2022

4:20 pm: Rhett Larsen, Student and School Safety Specialist at the Utah State Board of Education joins the program to discuss where we stand when it comes to school safety in Utah, and what more can be done to protect our children

4:38 pm: Charles Lipson, Professor of International Politics at the University of Chicago joins Rod to discuss his piece for Spectator World on why the verdict in the Sussman trial doesn’t pass the smell test

5:05 pm: Kyle Shideler, Senior Analyst for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism at the Center for Security Policy joins the show to discuss his piece for American Greatness in which he asks what kind of police Americans want following the inaction of the Uvalde police in Texas during the school shooting last week.

6:00 pm: Tune in for a special presentation of a Utah GOP Second Congressional District primary debate between Congressman Chris Stewart, the incumbent, and his challenger Erin Rider, mediated by Rod Arquette

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