Rod Arquette Show Daily Rundown - Thursday, January 27, 2022

Coming up at 4 pm today on the Rod Arquette Show on Talk Radio 105.9 KNRS, taxpayers are footing the $260,000 bill to build a fence around Governor Spencer Cox’s property in Fairview, along with what amounts to a security bunkhouse on the property, and Utah lawmakers approved the move in 2021. What are your thoughts? Rod takes your calls at 888-570-8010.  Plus, Representative Matthew Gwynn joins Rod to give us further explanation about his bill that would allow for unwed couples to enter into surrogacy agreements in order to have children. See below for a full rundown of today’s program.

Rod Arquette Show Daily Rundown – Thursday, January 27, 2022

4:20 pm: Former Utah Congressman Jason Chaffetz joins the show for a conversation about the tense meeting Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas had with border patrol agents yesterday in Arizona.

4:38 pm: Representative Matthew Gwynn joins Rod to give us further explanation about his bill that would allow for unwed couples to enter into surrogacy agreements in order to have children.

5:05 pm: Taxpayers are footing the $260,000 bill to build a fence around Governor Spencer Cox’s property in Fairview, along with what amounts to a security bunkhouse on the property, and Utah lawmakers approved the move in 2021. What are your thoughts? Rod takes your calls at 888-570-8010. 

6:05 pm: Terry Jones of Issues and Insights joins the show to discuss how the covid pandemic has revealed how scared, stupid and easily manipulated the young people of America are.

6:20 pm: Steve Moore, Chief Economist for the Heritage Foundation, joins the program for his weekly visit with Rod about politics and the nation’s economy

6:35 pm: Utah Senate President Stuart Adams joins Rod for their weekly conversation about what’s happening on Utah’s Capitol Hill during the 2022 Legislative session, and today they’ll discuss possible cuts to income taxes

6:50 pm: Senator Lincoln Fillmore joins the program to discuss his legislation that would create digital driver licenses in Utah

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