Clark Aposhian is a well-know Utah Gun Right Advocate and Executive Director of the Utah Sports Shooting Council. "Gun Radio Utah" will air every Saturday afternoon from 3-4pm on Talk Radio 105.9 KNRS.

If you’re a gun owner or interested in guns and want the latest news on gun rights, trends in firearms and events you’d be interested in…tune in every Saturday for Gun Radio Utah. The show will features interviews with gun enthusiasts both in Utah and across the country. Clark will bring his expertise to the weekly show to help you be better informed about what you can do to preserve, protect and defend your right to own a gun for security or sport.

Gun Radio Utah - How does Utah Rank in Gun Favorability?; Conceal Carry at Ut State Fair; Glen Parshall of R&R Tactical Design join the Show

Gun Radio Utah - Cap Laws, Do We Need them in Utah; Update on Clark's Bump-Stock

Gun Radio Utah - Clark in Uintah Co, Bill in Summit Co today; More Crazy CA Gun Laws; What about Guns in the Post Office; Clark's Bumpstock

Gun Radio Utah - Sheng Lee, Litigation Counsel @ New Civil Liberties Alliance on Garland v Cargill; Texas State Fair/No Guns Allowed

Gun Radio Utah - Survey on Why Americans Own Firearms; Interview w/Sportsman Warehouse Gun Smith

Gun Radio Utah - Author Brad Thor joins the Show; VP Harris and her Stand on Guns is discussed

Gun Radio Utah - Recodification of Utah Gun Laws; New Digital Gun Lock; FBI Testimony on Trump Shooting

Gun Radio Utah: Tyler Smith of Axil (July 20, 2024)

Gun Radio Utah - Alec Baldwin Gun Case; Proposed Gun Range in Payson; HB369 Defensive Ammendment

Gun Radio Utah - Hit Rate by Law Enforcement...Less Than You Think; Ammunition Sold in Grocery Stores