Clark Aposhian is a well-know Utah Gun Right Advocate and Executive Director of the Utah Sports Shooting Council. "Gun Radio Utah" will air every Saturday afternoon from 3-4pm on Talk Radio 105.9 KNRS.

If you’re a gun owner or interested in guns and want the latest news on gun rights, trends in firearms and events you’d be interested in…tune in every Saturday for Gun Radio Utah. The show will features interviews with gun enthusiasts both in Utah and across the country. Clark will bring his expertise to the weekly show to help you be better informed about what you can do to preserve, protect and defend your right to own a gun for security or sport.

Gun Radio Utah: Dan with SLC Pallet Walls; Red Dot Recall

Gun Radio Utah: New Year; Gun Demographic Changes

Gun Radio Utah: 12 years since Sandy Hook; Good News for Gun Owners

Gun Radio Utah: Gun Shows save lives; Drone Hunting

Gun Radio Utah: Live from Gunshow Utah; Drones

Gun Radio Utah: Healthcare CEO Shooter; Suppressors; Guns Causing "accidental Deaths"

Gun Radio Utah: John Corriea Interview; Man Shoots himself "below the belt"

Gun Radio Utah: Should you carry extra magazines/ammo?

Gun Radio Utah: RR Tactical; Dragons Breath

Gun Radio Utah: What Classifies a Machine Gun; Trumps Victory