The Rod & Greg Show

The Rod & Greg Show

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Rod Arquette Show: Reaction to Joe Biden's Press Conference; Role of Hispan

Rod Arquette Show Daily Rundown – Friday, July 12, 2024

4:20 pm: James Phillips, Constitutional Government Initiative Director at BYU’s Wheatley Institute joins Rod for a conversation about his piece in the Deseret News about the danger of relying on the Supreme Court to solve problems in America.

4:38 pm: Fox News columnist Liz Peek joins Rod to give us her reaction to Joe Biden’s performance in yesterday’s “big boy” press conference.

5:05 pm: Fox News contributor Jason Chaffetz joins the program to give us his reaction to Joe Biden’s press conference, as well as discuss his piece on efforts by some Democrats to replace Biden as the party’s presidential nominee.

6:05 pm: Steven Hayward of Powerline joins the program for a conversation about his piece in which he calls the media lazy and degenerate, all stemming from their coverage, or lack thereof, of the Biden administration.

6:20 pm: Mary Thomas, Executive Director of the Hispanic Vote Coalition joins the program to discuss the importance of Hispanic voters in the 2024 election.

6:38 pm: We’ll listen back to Rod’s conversations this week with James Varney of Real Clear Investigations, who spoke with Rod and Greg Hughes about educators working to suppress news about sex-assault cases in American schools, and (at 6:50 pm) with Chris Barnard of the American Conservation Coalition about why he says natural gas is a winner for the climate and economy in America.

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