The Rod & Greg Show

The Rod & Greg Show

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Rod Arquette Show - Pride Insult to America?; Rachel Terry Candi

Rod Arquette Show Daily Rundown – Tuesday, May 28, 2024

4:20 pm: Scott Hogenson, a contributor to, joins Rod for a conversation about his recent piece in which he says Pride Month is as insult to American excellence.

4:38 pm: Rachel Terry, a candidate for Utah Attorney General, joins the program for a conversation about her campaign.

6:05 pm: David Keltz, author and contributor to American Greatness joins Rod for a conversation about his piece on how now is the time for the GOP to unite behind Donald Trump.

6:20 pm: Dan McLaughlin, Senior Writer for National Review Online joins the show for a conversation about his piece on how the dumb Justice Samuel Alito flag story has gotten even dumber.

6:38 pm: Mark Krikorian, Executive Director of the Center for Immigration Studies joins the program to discuss his piece in the New York Post outlining how America once took a two-generation long pause from immigration and how it fixed many of the nation’s labor issues.

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