The Rod & Greg Show

The Rod & Greg Show

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Taking Biden Seriously

Maybe Joe Biden needs to go back into his basement and hide like he did on the campaign trail. Grandpa Dementia just is not up for the job.

If you haven’t followed along on his European tour, first the President of the United States suggested American forces were going to go to Ukraine. The White House walked back what was a somewhat muddied statement.

Then the President was asked what the response would be if Russia used chemical weapons in Ukraine. His response? “The United States would respond in kind.” The White House had to walk back that the President did not actually mean that and we would not use chemical weapons.

Finally, in his major speech at the end of the week, President Biden declared Vladimir V. Putin, President of Russia, could not be allowed to remain in power. In an ad-libbed line not in his original text, Biden called for Russian regime change.

Members of the press first had an orgasmic response, comparing the line to Reagan’s “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall.”

But then the White House, unlike the Reagan White House, scrambled to walk it all back and clarify that Biden did not, in fact, mean to call for regime change.

Listen at 6:35 as Rod talks with Congressman Chris Stewart about Biden's remarks.

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