The Rod & Greg Show

The Rod & Greg Show

The Rod & Greg Show on Talk Radio 105.9 - KNRS!Full Bio


What's Up With Southwest Airlines???

Southwest’s major disruption in service was blamed on the “weather,” air traffic controllers, and most recently, employees suddenly taking time off to get jabbed with the Covid-19 vaccines.

But with nearly 2,000 flight cancellations over the weekend, paying customers put on hold to rebook flights for as many as eight hours, children sleeping on the floors at airports, and lengthy lines that stretch as far as the eye can see, Southwest’s explanations defy belief.

A more plausible explanation that has been backed up by reporting has been that numerous employees have suddenly called in ‘ill’ after the Southwest Airlines Pilots Association on Fridayfiled a lawsuitagainst Southwest Airlines over the company’s vaccine mandate.

iHeart Aviation Expert Jay Ratliffe joins Rod at 4:35 to help us get to the bottom of what's going on

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