Rod and Greg Show Daily Rundown – Tuesday, August 27, 2024
4:20 pm: Robert Spencer, Director of Jihad Watch, joins Rod and Greg for a conversation about his piece for PJ Media on how the D.C. swamp will continue to operate regardless of who is elected President.
4:38 pm: Jeffrey H. Anderson, President of the American Main Street Initiative, joins the show for a conversation about his piece in The American Mind about what voters in America care about.
5:05 pm: Richard Lyons, a contributor to The Blaze, joins the show to discuss his recent piece about how Franklin Roosevelt and Richard Frankfurter turned America into a bureaucratic nightmare.
5:38 pm: Laura Lewis Eyi, Communications Specialist for Mormon Women for Ethical Government joins Rod and Greg to discuss the group’s opposition to a constitutional amendment proposal from Utah Lawmakers that would allow the state legislature to overturn ballot initiatives.