The Rod & Greg Show

The Rod & Greg Show

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Rod Arquette Show Daily Rundown - Thursday, March 30, 2023

Coming up at 4 pm today on the Rod Arquette Show on Talk Radio 105.9 KNRS, Jonathan Lesser, Adjunct Fellow at the Manhattan Institute joins the program for a conversation about his issue brief on an economically rational energy policy for the United States.  Plus, Clark Aposhian of the Utah Shooting Sports Council and host of Gun Radio Utah on 105.9 KNRS joins the show for a conversation about the myths, and truths, of the AR-15 rifle.  See below for a full rundown of today’s program.

Rod Arquette Show Daily Rundown – Thursday, March 30, 2023

4:20 pm: Jonathan Lesser, President of Continental Economics and an Adjunct Fellow at the Manhattan Institute joins the program for a conversation about his issue brief on an economically rational energy policy for the United States

4:38 pm: Clark Aposhian of the Utah Shooting Sports Council and host of Gun Radio Utah on 105.9 KNRS joins the show for a conversation about the myths, and truths, of the AR-15 rifle

6:05 pm: James Varney of Real Clear Investigations joins Rod to discuss his piece about why the GOP hasn’t yet taken up impeachment proceedings against Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas 

6:20 pm: Steve Moore, an economist with FreedomWorks, joins the show for his weekly visit with Rod about politics and the nation’s economy

6:38 pm: Jeremiah Poff, an Education Reporter with the Washington Examiner, joins the show to discuss the results of a new poll that show teen girls are the most addicted to Tik Tok and how the app makes life worse for those already depressed

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