Coming up at 4 pm today on the Rod Arquette Show on Talk Radio 105.9 KNRS, Scott Hogenson, President of Hogenson Communications and a contributor to Townhall joins the show to discuss his recent piece about the left’s backdoor attack on the Constitution. Plus, Ron Gibson, President of the Utah Farm Bureau Federation, joins the show to react to a recent op-ed calling for an end to alfalfa production in Utah as a way to save the Great Salt Lake. See below for a full rundown of today’s program.
Rod Arquette Show Daily Rundown – Monday, December 12, 2022
4:20 pm: Scott Hogenson, President of Hogenson Communications and a contributor to Townhall joins the show to discuss his recent piece about the left’s backdoor attack on the Constitution
4:38 pm: Paul Gottfried, American Political Philosopher and an Associated Scholar at the Mises Institute joins Rod for a conversation about his piece in American Greatness on what moves the voters the GOP lost in the November election
6:05 pm: Ron Gibson, President of the Utah Farm Bureau Federation, joins the show to react to a recent op-ed calling for an end to alfalfa production in Utah as a way to save the Great Salt Lake
6:20 pm: Brian Riedl, Senior Fellow at the Manhattan Institute joins Rod for a conversation about how many Democratic policies, like the Green New Deal, lack any plans to actually be implemented
6:38 pm: Tara Gill, Senior Director of Advocacy and State Legislation at Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety joins the show to discuss the group’s latest “Roadmap to Safety” report