Rod Arquette

Rod Arquette

Rod Arquette on Talk Radio 105.9 - KNRS!Full Bio


Surprise!!! New Study Says Politicans Handled COVID Terribly

During the 2020 election, multiple public health “experts” claimed President Trump had “blood on his hands” and was responsible for “preventable” loss of life. They expressed confidence that things would improve with a Biden administration, “which is likely to bring a science-based approach to containing the virus.” An editorial in the highly regarded and allegedly apolitical New England Journal of Medicine, wrote that “inappropriate government policies” were responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands, labeled the Trump administration as “dangerously incompetent” and directed its readers (without mentioning his name) to vote for Biden who would set things right.

Things didn’t work out that way.

Dr. Joel Zinberg joins Rod at 4:20 to discuss the study. NY Post:

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