The Rod & Greg Show

The Rod & Greg Show

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Rod Arquette Show Daily Rundown - Friday, March 19, 2021

Coming up at 4 pm today on the Rod Arquette Show on Talk Radio 105.9 KNRS, Salt Lake City Council Chairman Steve DeBry joins the show to discuss the future of the mask mandate in the county as the April 10 expiration date passed by the Utah Legislature looms. Plus, Michelle Quist, a columnist with the Salt Lake Tribune, joins Rod to discuss why she says now is the time for a woman to run the Utah Republican Party. See below for a full rundown of today’s program.

Rod Arquette Show Daily Rundown –Friday, March 19, 2021

4:20 pm: Michelle Quist, a columnist with the Salt Lake Tribune, joins Rod to discuss why she says now is the time for a woman to run the Utah Republican Party

4:35 pm: Eric Boehm of Reason Magazine joins Rod to discuss why he says bringing back Congressional earmarks won’t fix the government

5:05 pm: Salt Lake City Council Chairman Steve DeBry joins the show to discuss the future of the mask mandate in the county as the April 10 expiration date passed by the Utah Legislature looms

6:05 pm: Tim Ballard of Operation Underground Railroad joins Rod for a conversation about child trafficking on the nation’s southern border and how that trafficking could be getting lost in the border crisis

6:20 pm: John Tamny, Editor of Real Clear Markets and Director of the Center for Economic Freedom at Freedomworks, joins Rod for a conversation about how Joe Biden’s “covid relief” package won’t solve the country’s poverty problems

6:35 pm: We’ll listen back to Rod’s conversations this week with Utah GOP Chairman Derek Brown who announced he will not seek another term as the party chair, and (at 6:50 pm) with teenage drunk driving victim Sarah Frei who is the inspiration for a new Utah law that keeps some accused of DUI in jail until their trial

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