Rod Arquette

Rod Arquette

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Rod Arquette Show Daily Rundown - Friday, April 24, 2020

Coming up at 4 pm today on the Rod Arquette Show on Talk Radio 105.9 KNRS, Senator Mitt Romney of Utah joins the show to discuss how America is awakening to China and why the health of Americans is very much in Chinese hands. Plus, Michele Corigliano, Executive Director of the Salt Lake Area Restaurant Association, joins the show to discuss how the dining out experience will change once restaurants and bars reopen. See below for a full rundown of today’s program.

Rod Arquette Show Daily Rundown - Friday, April 24, 2020

4:20 pm: BYU Political Science Professor Ralph Hancock joins the show to discuss his recent piece in the Deseret News about what the coronavirus is teaching us about ourselves and society

4:35 pm: Michele Corigliano, Executive Director of the Salt Lake Area Restaurant Association, joins the show to discuss how the dining out experience will change once restaurants and bars reopen

5:05 pm: Senator Mitt Romney of Utah joins the show to discuss how America is awakening to China and why the health of Americans is very much in Chinese hands

6:05 pm: State Senator Dan Hemmert, a member of the Governor’s Public Health and Economic Emergency Commission, joins Rod to discuss some of the recommendations made by the commission about beginning to reopen the state’s economy

6:20 pm:Kaleigh Rogers, Politics and Technology Reporter at on her piece about why the world shut down for the coronavirus when it didn't shut down for Ebola, SARS or the swine flu

6:35 pm: We’ll listen back to Rod’s conversation’s this week with Kate Sweeny, Professor of Psychology at the University of Calfornia-Riverside on how to deal with the worry that comes with the coronavirus, and (at 6:50 pm) with Peter Reichard of the Utah Foundation on the results of a study about the pros and cons of teleworking

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