Coming up at 4 pm today on the Rod Arquette Show on Talk Radio 105.9 KNRS, Thom Carter, Executive Director of UCAIR, joins the show to discuss his recent Deseret News op-ed saying now is the time to come up with a plan to clean Utah’s dirty air. Plus, Christopher Wiltsie, Bike Utah’s 1,000 Mile Program Director, joins the show to discuss why he says cities should work with electric scooter companies to create a safer environment on our streets. See below for a full rundown of today’s program.
Rod Arquette Show Daily Rundown - Monday, September 16, 2019
4:20 pm: Thom Carter, Executive Director of UCAIR, joins the show to discuss his recent Deseret News op-ed saying now is the time to come up with a plan to clean Utah’s dirty air
4:35 pm: Andrew Gruber, Executive Director of the Wasatch Front Media Council, joins the show to discuss the group’s blueprints for handling the population growth expected to hit the Wasatch Front by 2050
6:05 pm: Nick Loris of the Heritage Foundation joins Rod to discuss the impacts of the Saudi oil attack on the energy market and overall economy
6:20 pm: Christopher Wiltsie, Bike Utah’s 1,000 Mile Program Director, joins the show to discuss why he says cities should work with electric scooter companies to create a safer environment on our streets
6:35 pm: Rachel Morrison, Litigation Counsel for Americans United for Life on the group’s response to a recent op-ed piece in which a Vermont nurse said people shouldn’t go into the healthcare profession if they don’t want to provide abortions