The Rod & Greg Show

The Rod & Greg Show

The Rod & Greg Show on Talk Radio 105.9 - KNRS!Full Bio


Behave Yourselves...

CNN filed a federal lawsuit Tuesday against the Trump administration after the White House suspended White House correspondent Jim Acosta's 'hard pass' press credential. Acosta clashed with President Donald Trump and a press office intern during a November 7 press conference.

The networks' suit, filed by a team that includes former George W. Bush solicitor general Ted Olson, demands the immediate return of Acosta's credentials. The White House fired back at CNN, one of the president's favorite targets, for 'grandstanding.'

Acosta lost access to the building last Wednesday night, hours after refusing to give up a microphone when the president said he had answered enough of his questions.

Sharyl Atkission, host of Sinclair's "Full Measure" and former CBS Investigative Reporter talks to Rod today at 6:20 about the Acosta confrontation with the President.

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