Some Americans Will Get A Second Social Security Payment In May

Social Security card, treasury check and 100 dollar bills. Concept of social security benefits payment, retirement and federal government benefits

Photo: JJ Gouin / iStock / Getty Images

Some Americans will receive a second check from the Social Security Administration in the month of May. This is not a mistake, however, and it happens every so often. 

The Social Security Administration sends out Supplemental Social Security payments on the first day of each month unless that day happens to be a weekend or a holiday.

This year, June 1 falls on a Saturday. As a result, the SSA will send out the SSI payments one day early, on May 31. That means the recipients will receive a check on May 1 and another one on May 31.

Recipients will not receive extra money, though, because the May 31 check counts for June, so they will not receive one during that month.

This will happen again in August and then again in November. 

All other Social Security payments for retirees under the Old Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance will continue to receive their checks on Wednesdays throughout the month. When they receive, they money is based on their birthday. 

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