Rod Arquette Show Rundown-Friday, December 8, 2017

Coming up at 4 pm today on the Rod Arquette Show on Talk Radio 105.9 KNRS, Political commentator Kurt Schlichter joins Rod to discuss why he says the mainstream media doesn’t deserve the trust or respect of Americans. Plus, Peter Reichard, President of the Utah Foundation, joins the show to discuss the results of a new study that show healthcare providers in Utah often charge very different rates for common procedures.  See below for a full rundown of today’s program. 

Rod Arquette Show Daily Rundown - Friday, December 8, 2017

4:20 pm: Richard Davis, Chair of the United Utah Party, joins Rod to discuss why he believes Mitt Romney is too moderate to run for Senate in the rapidly right-moving GOP and should run with United Utah

4:35 pm: Political commentator Kurt Schlichter joins Rod to discuss why he says the mainstream media doesn’t deserve the trust or respect of Americans

6:05 pm: Peter Reichard, President of the Utah Foundation, joins the show to discuss the results of a new study that show healthcare providers in Utah often charge very different rates for common procedures

6:20 pm: Steve Mosher, President of the Population Research Institute, joins Rod to discuss why he says the GOP missed out on an opportunity to raise the national birth rate by voting down an amendment put forth by Senators Marco Rubio and Mike Lee to fund an $87 million expansion of the child tax credit

6:35 pm: Joseph Lawler, Economics Writer for the Washington Examiner, joins the show to discuss how President Trump is likely to tackle welfare reform as the next item on his legislative agenda

6:50 pm: Lucas McGraw, Producer, and actress Janie Wilkison of the Community Film Project “Before Your Time” join the show to discuss the film

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